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aviano dining armchair

Home | furniture | dining | dining chairs | aviano arm dchr grey
Aviano dining armchair grey miotto furniture

aviano dining armchair

dining armchair completely upholstered in teflon protected fabric . featuring comfortable armrests . it will bring a touch of colour and texture to any room in the house .

560*640*860 mm

colours and materials:
teflon protected grey fabric: JND99-14
teflon protected yellow fabric: JND 99-9

EAN codes:
Aviano dining armchair grey miotto furniture Aviano dining armchair yellow miotto furniture Aviano dining armchair grey back miotto furniture Aviano dining armchair grey front miotto furniture Aviano dining armchair yellow back miotto furnitur Aviano group Aviano Aviano dchr details web 1 Aviano dchr details web 2 Ariosto dining, aviano, mauro MOENA AVIANO KALAP JAPAIR PONALE ALBA BLACK Moena, Aviano, japair, Alba, Kalap, ponale 2 Moena, Aviano, japair, Alba, Kalap, ponale j MS RUFFINO, undi rug,osolia lamp, arbia, aviano, c Moena, Aviano, japair, Alba, Kalap, ponale kj aviano, belynia, parona
EAN code product name quantity:
880102811304 aviano arm dchr grey
880102811306 aviano arm dchr yellow
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