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freya headboard king size

Home | bedding | beds | freya hb 180
Freya headboard

freya headboard king size

freya stands tall and straight like a kind night watch . we combined a royal essence with straight lines to give you a timeless feeling of comfort and beauty . it supports and guards you when you sleep and is a firm companion during moon caressed nights when all of life’s beauties keep you awake . available in grey: anfora 722 colour . other colours, materials and sizes are available on request .

1800*120*1300 mm

colours and materials:
grey velour fabric: Anfora 722
MDF, foam

EAN codes:
Freya headboard Freya grey Freya grey tavamo patchwork Royal Sleeper Freya, Coralis table lamp 2 Royal SLeeper Freya, Coralis table lamp top Royal Sleeper Freya, Coralis table lamp, floor lam Royal Sleeper Freya, Coralis table lamp Freya red
EAN code product name quantity:
880104291120 freya hb 180
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